Project Gallery
Inspiration for Your Bay Area Business
Traditional Medicinals
Dynamic Systems with Intuitive, Centralized Control for Improved Productivity and Security
Rohnert Park, California
The Problem
When Traditional Medicinals decided to relocate their corporate headquarters from a cramped space in Graton they shared with the packaging and shipping plant, they reached out to PCD to provide state-of-the-art AV technology to their new facility. The old Hewlett Packard/Agilent site in Rohnert Park was a large two-story shell of a building where they needed to incorporate style and function into their new corporate campus.
PCD’s Approach
PCD performed a design-build of a new AV system for the corporate office in Rohnert Park to include two executive conference rooms with video conferencing and several presentation rooms with AV systems. Large-format flat panel presentation screens and online soft codec conferencing solutions were installed in the huddle rooms and small meeting rooms. The large conference room was outfitted with a dual projection system, camera, and the new digitally-steered ceiling microphones to provide outstanding video conferencing quality, allowing everyone in the room to be heard. The main conference room has a projection system with camera and table mics. All of the rooms have Kramer Via Campus wireless devices for great multi-person collaboration.
The Result
The new-technology 2×2 video wall is the first thing people see when they walk into the new corporate Campus, which pulls everything together for a vibrant and technologically modern look. With conference rooms able to be reconfigured in different setups, the clear answer for teleconferencing microphones was to incorporate the newest digitally-steered Shure ceiling microphones to provide outstanding video conferencing quality, allowing everyone in the room to be heard.
LocationRohnet Park, CA
Business NicheCorporate
Explore Our Sophisticated Solutions
Lighting Control
Integrated Room Control
Media Control
Centralized Distribution
Smart Building Technology
Distributed Video

Large Conference Room

Medium Conference Rooms

Dual Display Conference Room

Large Video Conferencing Room

Corporate Lobby
Solano Community College
Interactive audio-visual installations
Fairfield, California
The Problem
In response to the ever-growing Biotech industry in the San Francisco Bay Area, Solano Community College wanted a space that would be utilized to prepare students for real-world lab experience. PCD was chosen to design-build an audiovisual system that teachers would utilize in order to educate students on practical applications in a lab setting in order to enhance their job opportunities.
PCD’s Approach
Working under General Contractor Rudolph & Sletten, PCD did installations in each classroom to allow teachers to present content from local laptops or PCs to the 90” flat-panel TV in each room. The teacher station is conveniently located in the front of the classroom, while the equipment rack is hidden into the cabinetry of the teaching wall. Sterile anatomy labs with cameras and PA systems are utilized to coach students while simulating biochemistry procedures. The entire system for every room is controlled locally by PC and also remotely by the IT support team using a Utelogy control platform.
PCD’s Solution
PCD installed Sharp 90” commercial displays and Chief Manufacturing mounts for the classrooms and used Kramer video switchers and twisted pair solutions to deliver the signal to the various inputs and outputs designed per classroom. The Utelogy platform of control in the cloud was implemented providing a complete solution for the teacher station switching between the local PC, the Laptop, the Document Camera and a DVD player. Using Wolfvision ceiling mounted document cameras was the only logical high-quality solution to obtain the resolution needed for high-quality presentation of the sterile cadaver rooms while dissecting and explaining to the adjacent classroom what they are working on in the laboratory.
The Result
These interactive audio-visual installations allow biotech students to obtain real-world lab experience through state-of-the-art technology, giving students hands-on experience as they job hunt among the Biotech companies of Northern California such as Genentech, Biomarin and Janssen Pharmaceuticals.
LocationFairfield, CA
Business NicheEducation
Explore Our Sophisticated Solutions
Commercial displays
Video switchers
Cloud Control
Ceiling mounted document cameras
Smart Building Technology
Distributed Video
Healdsburg City Council Chambers
Improved the sound quality
Healdsburg, CA
The Problem
PCD was contacted to help improve the sound quality of the City of Healdsburg’s Meeting Room and Council Chambers. Over the course of several visits to adjust and then modify sound, add a mic, etc., City of Healdsburg staff wanted a design-build to upgrade their current system to stream and record the AV. When the City began upgrading and expanding their building facilities, this presented the perfect time for an AV upgrade.
The City was looking for the following solutions:
- Provide enhanced audio-video systems to improve Council Meeting recordings
- Provide a way for local citizens to follow the City agenda and attend the meetings when they could not attend in person.
PCD’s Approach
PCD designed, proposed and then installed a high-quality AV system using 3 Pan/Tilt/Zoom Cameras, new laser projector, confidence monitors and a streaming recording device to store the meetings and send to the local cable company as well as the internet for posting to the City’s web page.
PCD’s Solution
PCD also programmed the Closed Caption device to insert captioning to the signal going out to Comcast feed, streaming feed, or both if desired. We then Provided network interface device that allows recording and archival of meetings on its own hard drive or mapped to an owner provided PC for archival.
The Result
PCD provided and installed a new Streaming Broadcast System for the City Council Chambers which includes upgraded equipment capabilities allowing cleaner live feeds, smoother signal flow for microphones and archival storage of all broadcasts. The Healdsburg City Council can offer excellent presentations and is able to confidently record and broadcast to local cable feeds.
LocationHealdsburg, CA
Business NicheGovernment
Explore Our Sophisticated Solutions
Commercial displays
Video switchers
Cloud Control
Ceiling mounted document cameras
Smart Building Technology
Distributed Video