PCD Helps Traditional Medicinals Turn Their Ideas Into Reality
The Problem
When Traditional Medicinals decided to relocate their corporate headquarters from a cramped space in Graton they shared with the packaging and shipping plant, they reached out to PCD to provide state-of-the-art AV technology to their new facility. The old Hewlett Packard/Agilent site in Rohnert Park was a large two-story shell of a building where they needed to incorporate style and function into their new corporate campus.

PCD’s Approach
PCD performed a design-build of a new AV system for the corporate office in Rohnert Park to include two executive conference rooms with video conferencing and several presentation rooms with AV systems. Large-format flat panel presentation screens and online soft codec conferencing solutions were installed in the huddle rooms and small meeting rooms. The large conference room was outfitted with a dual projection system, camera, and the new digitally-steered ceiling microphones to provide outstanding video conferencing quality, allowing everyone in the room to be heard. The main conference room has a projection system with camera and table mics. All of the rooms have Kramer Via Campus wireless devices for great multi-person collaboration.
PCD’s Solution
Large Conference Room
- In the largest main conference room on campus, PCD provided and installed dual projection video conferencing system for Board Meetings with Da-lite 20849LS Tensioned ADVANTAGE screens, dual Christie LWU421 LCD projectors and Panasonic AW-HE2 HD Pan/Tilt/Zoom cameras. Audio conferencing and video conferencing are enhanced with Tannoy CVS6 ceiling speakers and LabGruppen E4:2 amps. Two Shure MXAW910 ceiling multi-element microphones and a BiAmp Tesira Forte DSP system allows clean, clear audio for the utility of the space. To top it off we provided a Kramer Via Campus to allow wireless collaboration and soft codec integration of the video conferencing. Simple control was provided by an Extron wall controller for ease of use for all.
Medium Conference Rooms
- Several conference rooms were set up utilizing the Polycom audio, Go To Meeting and Skype for Business conferencing systems. An Apple TV streaming media device with Logitech HD USB camera connects to an 80” Sharp LED HDTV. A Kramer TBUS-203XL table interface is used for local laptop connectivity and the image is sent to the 80” display.
Dual Display Conference Room
- This is utilizing the same configuration as the typical Conference Rooms noted above but utilizes dual Sharp 60” LED HD TV displays.
Large Video Conferencing Room
- In the second-largest video conferencing room using a Christie LWU421 projector, Da-lite 20849LS Tensioned screen and Sharp LC-80LE660u flat panel for larger or smaller groups to allow video conferencing along with the Kramer Via Campus for soft codec and wireless presentation
Corporate Lobby
- PCD incorporated a 2x2 Video Wall panel of 42” high-performance LG TVs with a BrightSign HD1023 signage player to showcase images of locations around the world that Traditional Medicinals obtains resources for various products.
The Result
The new-technology 2×2 video wall is the first thing people see when they walk into the new corporate Campus, which pulls everything together for a vibrant and technologically modern look. With conference rooms able to be reconfigured in different setups, the clear answer for teleconferencing microphones was to incorporate the newest digitally-steered Shure ceiling microphones to provide outstanding video conferencing quality, allowing everyone in the room to be heard.
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