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Sound Systems for All Types of House of Worship


Discover Audio Solutions for Churches, Temples, Mosques & Synagogues 

Can everyone hear clearly in your Bay Area house of worship—even in the back row? Do your speakers ever experience feedback or distortion, causing unpleasant screeching or crackling? And how easy is it to connect music or different microphones to the system? 

If your speaker system is decades old or difficult to manage, it may be time for an upgrade. PCD Audio & Video specializes in installing house of worship sound systems in the Oakland, CA, area. And if anything goes wrong after the installation? Our PCD Continuing Support specialists are there to help.

Here’s how we can enhance the auditory experience in four types of worship spaces.

SEE ALSO: Discover Why You Should Consider Assisted Living Systems 


From soaring cathedrals to contemporary worship halls, all types of churches can benefit from an updated audio system. We provide microphones for instruments, choirs, and pastors that connect to building-wide loudspeakers with tastefully hidden wires. PCD also provides acoustic treatments to ensure sermons and music are heard clearly without excessive echo or distortion. We work diligently to respect the architectural beauty of churches, seamlessly integrating speakers to complement the sacred space.


In the tranquil sanctuaries of mosques, PCD Audio & Video offers tailored speaker and microphone solutions that enhance the spiritual connection of the worshippers without detracting from the mosque's architectural grandeur. Our expert installations and hidden AV components respect the intricate designs and acoustics of mosques, allowing the faithful to engage in prayer and reflection without distraction.


Whether the cantor sings alongside musical instruments or the rabbi reads from the Torah, a quality microphone and speaker system is essential for modern synagogues. PCD Audio & Video specializes in preserving the sanctity of synagogue interiors while delivering impeccable audio quality. Hidden wires, in-wall speakers, and discreet equipment racks blend seamlessly with the synagogue's aesthetics. 


Within the vibrant and spiritually charged temples of the Hindu tradition, music and prayers fill the air with devotion. PCD Audio & Video understands the importance of maintaining the temple's cultural and architectural authenticity. We offer audio and acoustic solutions that enhance the atmosphere without compromising the temple's integrity. 

PCD Continuing Support Program

Beyond the initial speaker system installation, PCD Audio & Video is committed to ensuring the ongoing performance of your audio systems. Our Continuing Support Program is designed to maximize the uptime of your sound systems while minimizing the maintenance burden on your staff. 

We provide remote monitoring, guaranteed 48-hour response time, and on-site technician support when needed. With our program, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with reliable audio, so your house of worship can focus on its core mission—serving and uplifting the community. Whether it's a church, mosque, synagogue, or temple, PCD Audio & Video is your trusted partner in enhancing worship experiences while preserving the sanctity of your sacred space.

Contact PCD here to learn more about our house of worship audio systems and support programs and to get started today! 

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