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PCD Simplifies AV Meetings For Covia's Campus


Corporate client Covia in Walnut Creek reached out to PCD to install AV systems at their new Corporate headquarters facility in a variety of locations on campus. PCD was challenged with designing several conference rooms and huddle rooms to include Polycom teleconference systems and NuReva soundbars as the audio conferencing microphone and speaker system. The larger room called the “All Hands Room” utilized a 3x3 video wall that allowed a quality presentation on a high quality system, even with the surrounding ambient light and low ceilings.

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Biamp Devio


With a recent shift towards open office layouts and staff working remotely, the need for effective AV collaboration and clear communication is increasing. Huddle Rooms offer small spaces for collaboration without booking a large conference room or disrupting neighboring offices.

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PCD Supports Biotech Lab With Interactive AV


PCD worked with Solano Community College’s Vacaville Campus and General Contractor, Rudolph & Sletten, to design an AV system that the staff can utilize while training new students to groom and educate them in preparation for potential job opportunities in the biotech industry.

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PCD Implemented Sound System Solution At Hall Winery


PCD was tapped to provide a Design/Build solution for an aesthetically seamless and high-quality background music system for Hall Winery’s entire Tasting Room and outdoor areas. This system would be created for guests to enjoy the unique flow and artistic inspiration of the winery. The facility has private tasting rooms and a main Tasting Lounge, along with an upstairs deck and downstairs terrace areas. There is a large lawn seating area on one side of the building and an upper floor area that is set up to house events and celebrations in the winery’s Fermentation Room.

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