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WolfVision Cynap


The WolfVision Cynap is a powerful and easy to use system that allows for professional presentations and collaboration. The wireless design and numerous capabilities make it ideal for educational and business settings. Do you need to collaborate with a team? Up to 4 different devices can connect wirelessly and share content on-screen at the same time. Your team members can share from their smartphone, laptop, or tablets. This cutting edge technology works with all iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac devices. Users can share content via a USB stick or download it directly online via cloud or drive, making even a laptop not essential. Just pull out your smartphone! The WolfVision Cynap features include:

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Crestron Mercury


Are you looking for an open Unified Communications solution that allows you to use Skype for Business and other programs? Or are searching for an AV solution that will simply enable you to present to clients professionally? Whether you know exactly what programs and features you need, or just want a straightforward solution that works, PCD can help you. Our designers take into account your meeting space and your needs. We use high-tech equipment and our in-house installers set up the systems, teaching you and your team how to use it before we hand over the reins. After the job is complete, we are available for continued tech support, maintenance, and upgrades.

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Rothschild Performing Arts Center / Harker School


PCD recently completed an AV integration for the theater, LED video wall, and gym at the Rothschild Performing Arts Center/Harker School in San Jose, CA.

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The End of 2017 is Already Here

The end of 2017 is already here, and you’re probably looking forward to spending time with family and friends celebrating the holiday season and the pending New Year.

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