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Introducing: Safe by Density


We're proud to announce Safe, a new product from Density. Safe is designed to help you re-open buildings sooner and keep your teams, employees, and visitors safe without invading privacy. Safe has three key features — Display, Analytics, and Alerts.

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PCD Brings Historical Renovations to Life


Over the past few years PCD has been relied upon to do Sound System upgrades on a variety of historical renovation jobsites through the northern California Bay Area. These projects present a different set of challenges than new construction jobsites, primarily due to outdated wiring, lack of ADA access, and having to work in the confines of an existing room. There is something exciting about being part of a historical renovation, putting your stamp of approval on a venue, and helping to bring it back to life for the benefit of the community as a whole.

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New! PCD Offers Soteria ThermaVu Temperature Scanner


As the novel coronavirus sweeps the country, companies are implementing business processes to meet local, regional and federal standards for monitoring COVID-19 in our communities. COVID-19 has presented challenges to all of our businesses over the past few months, and PCD is now offering a no contact solution to some of the local mandates – something to make your employees and customers feel safe while maintaining the health of everyone in your business.

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Is Your AV System Flawed… or Flawless?


In today’s competitive world it is always imperative to be at peak operating capacity. This includes an audio / visual system that is used for live meetings, virtual meetings, client presentations, and more. A PCD installation does not only include a Warranty but also the ability to have your system maintained on a regular basis. The Maintenance Frequency can be set anywhere from once a month to once a year, whatever fits your circumstances best.

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