Healdsburg City Hall Case Study
This past year, PCD was contacted to help improve the sound quality of the City of Healdsburg’s Meeting Room and Council Chambers. Over the course of several visits to adjust and modify sound, City staff determined a design-build upgrade their current system would be best. When the City began upgrading and expanding their building facilities, this presented the perfect time for to implement an AV upgrade to stream and record the AV.
The City was looking for two main solutions:
- Provide enhanced audio-video systems to improve Council Meeting recordings
- Provide a way for local citizens to follow the City agenda and attend the meetings when they could not attend in person.
PCD designed, proposed and then installed a high-quality AV system using 3 Pan/Tilt/Zoom Cameras, new laser projector, confidence monitors, and a streaming recording device to store the meetings and send a recording to the local cable company as well as the internet for posting to the City’s web page.
A Christie DWU599-GS digital projector was used to project onto a DaLite 70208L Tensioned Cosmopolitan Electrol screen, installation of dual 32” Samsung TV confidence monitors and production consoles, four Vaddio RoboSHOT camera controllers, Roland V-1200HD-SYS production equipment, and Shure microphones at the speaking podiums.
PCD also programmed the Closed Caption device to insert captioning to the signal going out to Comcast feed, streaming feed, or both if desired. PCD then provided a network interface device that allows recording and archival of meetings on its own hard drive or mapped to an owner provided PC for archival.
The end result was upgraded equipment capabilities allowing cleaner live feeds, smoother signal flow for microphones, and archival storage of all broadcasts.

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